This is the page where you’ll find my weird, wonderful, insane, ranting, raving, articulating claptrap.
This blog has been a life saver for me. It’s an outlet where I can talk about all sorts of different things. I’ll be talking about anything and everything. What I’ve been up to, what I think about what’s happening in the world, what the wonderful world of spirit has to say and anything else I want to. Please feel free to have a read.
If you don’t like it tough, you are entitled to your opinion as much as I’m entitled to my own.
- This should be longer than it is, but I’ve forgotten lots of it.
- 2025
- 2024 coming to a close.
- “I’ll do it in a bit”
- 7th MSversary
- I’ve been away
- Sorry
- Happy Pride Month
- Real catch up
- Rant time
- Mental health, cards, tiles, tangles, crystals, wire and vinyl
- Mammoth Update
- Mental health and Crafting
- Random shower thoughts and other things.
- Tiles, quilts and gifts
- Healing and Ancient Egypt
- What’s happened in October.
- Allow me to introduce Huxley.
- Interesting Experience
- Humbug’s Epic Update
- Reflux
- First weeks in my 40s
- I’m now in my 40s.
- My new quilt
- A bit of a change
- A bit of a change
- Lucy and The Unicorn
- Update on the crafty things from the last few weeks
- Hate
- Arguments
- Making Friends
- Masks
- Time to catch up on the last few weeks or What I can remember
- This should probably have a trigger warning
- Lucy
- The dreaded time of year is nearly upon us!
- Love, light, tangling and curls
- To Tilly
- With sadness in the passing of our Queen
- I’ve not been very good to myself
- More?! You can never have too much!
- Blue Hair
- A Gigillion years later
- Shaving Jumpers
- No meds muppet.
- I got older
- Sorry I’ve been slacking.
- A million years later
- A bit of bag making
- Worry Monster
- It still doesn’t feel right!
- Lots to report
- Dog toy.
- The time has come…. Dum dum duuuuuuuummmmmm
- Happy new year and have you ever wondered?
- David
- Verbal tics, phatic, mannerisms or Palilalia
- Happy Birthday….
- Pregabalin and feeling normal
- I did it, I did it, I did it.
- Boostered and Flued
- Crafty Awesomeness
- Medium Type Things
- Happy MSversary
- Steak Bakes and Baby Wipes.
- They’re Here
- Week 2 all by my self.
- On my own…….
- Snap Judgements
- 7 Days Later
- How Hot?
- Bob
- Happy Merry Solstice
- Mushrooms
- Birthday
- Sorry I’m late
- 17 May
- Random Questions
- A message from a blank bit of paper.
- It is whole once more………..
- 12/04/21
- 28th March
- Creativity
- New Logo
- Willkommen! And bienvenue! Welcome!
- Socks, hats, crystals and cards.
- (no title)
- February Already
- Bless me father for I have sinned…..
- 2021 Post 1
- Looking back
- Christmas
- 2 weeks later
- Happy Birthday Dexter
- Ew!!!! Ear Worms
- Biden wins.
- A Prayer for the huggers
- Stamps and markers
- Drugs, magic, healing and safety
- Sorry……
- Happy MSversary
- Happy Merry Tuesday
- Doppler Effect
- Feeling Hot Hot Hot and hotter and hotterer and even more hottererer
- Get your ass to Mars
- Tiles, tangles and stitches
- Soggy Bloggy Blog Blog
- As the world turns
- Gummy bears
- Return what you have stolen from me
- I hate being a spaz!
- Bye bye brum brum
- It’s finished!!
- Dead Men’s Toes
- Busy Bee
- What’s been going on
- Lock down………
- Day twelvety twelve
- Lock Down
- 2 weeks later……
- Zombie Apocalypse
- What day is it?
- Are some people better than others?
- What a day……
- Artsy Fartsy
- Needles and knots
- It’s oh so quiet and doesn’t feel right.
- 2020
- Christmas Eve
- Times may change
- Am I a bad person?
- Vegan Leather?
- Dog gone week.
- Whirlwind, whirlwind and a few more whirlwinds.
- So we got a dog take 2
- Another step along my path.
- So we got a dog!
- Long time
- Whirlwind
- Crafty McCraftface
- What have I been up to craft wise?
- I can’t think of a name for this post!
- Why oh Why!!!!!!
- Captain’s log.
- On Us Holidays
- Newsletters, sticking labels and stamps
- What a weird day
- Category is ………………
- Story time
- What a strange day.
- Metal work and the healing tree
- Confirmation and recognition
- What’s occurring?
- I know, I forgot. But this is how the last few days have been.
- Oh so shitty
- Words have power!
- God is a DJ
- Oh what a night!
- The heat
- Shaking all over
- Shanking all over
- Sticks and Stones
- Pain and anxiety
- Why oh why
- Alpacas and oven gloves
- My weekend
- Labradorite
- Clear Quartz
- Oh My God I Did It!
- Amethyst
- Black Tourmaline
- New post
- Luna Rose Quartz
- Today and this week
- I feel like crap
- Why does it hurt so much?
- What an interesting weekend.
- I wrote a poem, I think
- Que Sera stone
- Nzuri Moyo
- Iolite
- Emerald
- Cradle of humankind stone
- Arfvedsonite
- Why do I do it to myself.
- ??????
- Missing friends
- Time to work together!
- Hate!!!!!!!
- Welcome to 2019
- Well what a tough week it’s been!
- Scary times for Oakley the owl!
- Sleep, crochet and learning stuff.
- Fear and shock
- I don’t believe you!
- Is silence golden?
- A sad day
- Knitting, thieves and crystals
- Time for a rant!
- So long and thanks for all the fish, Knit one, purl one and 12 months.
- Learning new things.
- It’s been a long long time!
- The last couple of days
- What a weekend
- You got a friend!
- Medicine!
- Random reading attempt (no cards)
- I feel awesome.
- Massive update.
- What a week
- Bad day!
- Changes at speed!
- To be or not to be, that is the question!
- Going with the flow.
- Why is there so much racism?
- Oh my god!
- A bit of a moan!
- What is love?
- Pain Sucks!
- Having a bath!
- Communion of spirit?
- Yesterday and today!
- The journey starts again!
- What have I been doing?
- How has today been?
- Manchest Mind, Body and Spirit show.
- Some things in life are bad
- Long time no speak.
- Return what you have stolen, return the map!
- Was I worth it?
- Dark day
- Shopping day
- Weird feelings and cinema trip
- Bread day
- You just don’t get it
- I’ve Moved…..