Finally after like a million years of work it’s finished. All done and dusted, the main issue now is what should I do next.
I know I’ve been going on about that cardigan jumper thing for ever now but I’m really happy that it’s finished. Problem is that because it’s been so warm I’ve only been able to wear it/use it for about 5 minutes. The time will come when I’m able to get full use out of it. For now it can just sit comfortably in my wardrobe.
Just as a put me on project I’ve made an octopus. It’s a shower/bath sponge thing. It has a knitted head and crocheted legs and it’s bright orange.

Another thing I’ve done is hand sew a face mask

So yeah, that’s about all there is to say about that. The stitching may be a bit messey but I’ve done it.
I did plan on having like a massive cardigan reveal last weekend but I just gave up trying to finish it and get all the ends sewn it. But it’s finished now. Weaving in the ends seemed to take forever, there were loads of different ends to sort out, just count all the different patches of colour then times it be two. That’s how many ends I had to sort. Millions and billions and trillions.
Since the last post I’ve had a bit of a play about with my site. What do you think of the new look? If you like it, woo hoo. if not sod ya. So yeah, had a tweak with the look and feel. I’ve changed a couple of bits round and updated other things. I’m so thankful for WordPress and how easy it is to use. If it wasn’t for WP I probably wouldn’t have a site.
Along time ago in a galaxy not too far away (take 3 lefts and go to the end of the road) I did understand stuff about coding and websites and how the back end of stuff worked but unfortunately, not anymore. Not sure if that’s because of the MS or just because I forgot, but who really cares.
So big up to WordPress and thanks for making things easy.
What else has been going on? Well my sister and her other half have fallen pray to the dreaded lurgy. They’re all on the mend though and should be back to normal soon.
I’m not well at the moment either. No idea what’s wrong though. Mum and dad seem to think it’s a summer cold. Either way I’ve caught it of them. It is the most ill I’ve been for a while though. What ever it is it’s aggravating my symptoms especially the pain.
Hands being sore is a bit weird, it’s like having something stuck through the heel of my hand going up into my arm, not nice. The pain everywhere else isn’t that great either.
So sod you pain, I’m off now to find something else to work on. It might be a bit of crochet or some needle felting I’m not sure but I’ll find something to do.
Love and light