Healing Tree

This is my online healing tree. If you’d like to add someone’s name to the tree please fill in the form below. This healing tree is a focus point where love, light and healing can be sent which is then directed to the people named. Please spare a moment and a thought to add your energy to the mix.
Thank you

Teresa Kelly
Charlotte Turner
Pam Pickford
Natasha Unsworth
Linda Taylor
Linda Farnell
Teresa Lawson
Marjory Richardson
Jon Mitchell
Jean Moe
Sarah Pickles
Dawn Turnbull
John Couling
Helen Atkinson
Katie Bowker
Lizz Openshaw
Gwen Monk
Gill Little
Bev Schofield
Tracy Turner
Lynda Pearson
Graham Bater
Jackie Couling
Anne Ryder
Harvey Bowker
Pam Johnston
Ondray Botkoveli
Keith Atkinson
Jase Lint
Gordon Moe

With blessings of love and light may those named on the tree receive healing and energy to help them on their journey through life.

Add someone to the tree

The names won’t be added straight away, I need to do some jiggery pokery first, but I’ll get the name added as soon as I can.

Here is a list of all the names that have been added to the tree:

  • Lucy Bowker
  • Helen Atkinson
  • Gwen Monk
  • Lynda Pearson
  • Pam Johnston
  • Jase Lint
  • Linda Taylor
  • Natasha Unsworth
  • Anne Ryder
  • Marjory Richardson
  • Linda Farnell
  • Teresa Lawson
  • Teresa Kelly
  • Ondray Botkoveli
  • Graham Bater
  • Chris “Humbug” Atkinson
  • Jon Mitchell
  • Bob Hughes
  • Dawn Turnbull
  • Lizz Openshaw
  • Gill Little
  • Sarah Pickles
  • Charlotte Turner
  • Bev Schofield
  • Gordon Moe
  • Tracy Turner
  • Jean Moe
  • Pam Pickford
  • Keith Atkinson
  • Katie Bowker
  • Harvey Bowker