Category: My weird, wonderful, insane, ranting, raving, articulating claptrap

  • This should be longer than it is, but I’ve forgotten lots of it.

    Yes, I’m rubbish for not doing an update sooner than this. Sorry it has taken like a gazillion years to update you on what’s been going on. I kept thinking about it and said “I’ll do it in a bit” and as always that bit didn’t come. So let’s start with crafty things. Over the…

  • 2025

    The new year has started. I’m sure you know by now that I don’t do New Year’s resolutions. I don’t want to say I’m going to do something then beat myself up about it if I don’t or can’t stick to it for whatever reason. You may have notice that I have a new logo…

  • 2024 coming to a close.

    2024 coming to a close.

    If you know anything about me you’ll know or at least guess that most of my spare time over December has been spent making Christmas cards and there has been a few birthday cards in there too. So without further ado here are pictures of the Christmas cards I’ve made: I did quite a few…

  • WTF


    What the hell is going on in the world. It looks like it’s just gone completely doolally. I think it really needs to give its head a good wobble. Convicted criminals being elected to the most powerful position in the world? Really? From what I am seeing online it looks like people are starting to…

  • “I’ll do it in a bit”

    “I’ll do it in a bit”

    Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been saying “I’ll do it in a bit” quite a lot. I kept saying to myself that I need to do a blog post. “I’ll do it in a bit”. As you can see a bit never materialised until tonight. I just keep coming up with excuses as…

  • 7th MSversary

    On Saturday 21 September it was my 7th MSversary. 7 years since I was officially diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. That day we managed to track it back that I had a relapses in 2007. I may have had them before then but I didn’t know. Around Christmas 2007 I was having issues with my wrists.…

  • I’ve been away

    What’s been going on over the last few weeks? Well, I’ve been on holiday, I finally got the birthday present for mum and dad (it took so long because I didn’t know what I wanted) I’ve made cards, I’ve worked on some tiles, I’ve done some rope work and I have done some work with…

  • Sorry

    Sorry for not updating sooner. I kept saying to myself that I’ll start doing an update every Sunday night. And as it’s now been over a month you can see how well that went. I was thinking that I’ll do it after this thing happens or I’ll do it after that or later on, on…

  • Happy Pride Month

    Happy Pride Month

    As per usual I’m not really sure what to talk about today. A few weeks back I had a major melt down. I’d lost my wallet. I was going to place an order online for something and need to enter my card details. So I routed through my bag and couldn’t find it in there.…

  • Real catch up

    Suppose I should do a real catch up especially as more time has passed since the rant I posted last week or the one before. So in the last gazillions weeks a few things have happened. The first is that we took a trip to one of my favouritest places in the whole wide world.…