
Sorry for not updating sooner. I kept saying to myself that I’ll start doing an update every Sunday night. And as it’s now been over a month you can see how well that went.

I was thinking that I’ll do it after this thing happens or I’ll do it after that or later on, on Tuesday before I go to bed.

It was definitely a case we’re out it off till tomorrow and tomorrow never came. And now because I’ve written that line I have the song tomorrow never comes running through my head.

Yesterday and today I’ve been ill. It seems to be a mixture of something I’ve eaten, IBS, side effects from medication. I’ve just been feeling crappy.

Not really sure what else to talk about so just going to make it a short post and put on pictures of the things I’ve been up to.

So here are the tiles I’ve done:

I’ve made some cards too:

Over the weekend I had some things for sale at a craft fair. Here are pictures of the stall and Marion the lady that worked on the stall all weekend well she’s the one that organised it.

There are all sorts of bits I did for the stall.

Key rings:

Pin badges and faux leather earrings:

I tangled on some coasters:

I made lots of books too.

And I also got a new toy a few weeks ago. I got a heat press. So I put a few bags on the stall with things on them:

When I got the heat press there was a project that came with it

I have a couple of bags that mum and dad wanted and I can’t decide what to put on them. Should I go with initials, names, what the bag will be used for (like shoes) or should I go with something else?

I made a couple of signs for the stall too:

Yes the grammar one is supposed to be wrong, I spoke to some friends and we decided that it would be funny to be saying that sentiment incorrectly. You’ve already seen some of the others from past posts.

There were a few fairy doors too. Some of them seemed to go down well. It was the ones with the stone looking frames.

There were probably a few other things on the stall too. You might be able to see what I missed from the pictures. Some of it was mine but it was supposed to be a knitting stall so the other people put knitting things on there.

And with that I’m going to leave it there. I’m feeling rough so I’m going to go to bed. Good night.

Love and light.

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