2024 coming to a close.

If you know anything about me you’ll know or at least guess that most of my spare time over December has been spent making Christmas cards and there has been a few birthday cards in there too.

So without further ado here are pictures of the Christmas cards I’ve made:

I did quite a few plain Christmas cards with the Christmas tree on I think about 30 ish. Green glitter card on a kraft card, card blank. I think it looks like a really good combination. To me I feel it’s the sort of thing that you’d find in a designer boutique somewhere. There are some with poinsettias on and others with holly leaves and berry. The cards with the reindeer and robin on are stamps that have been water coloured.

Some of the special cards I did that are decoupaged and you can see there are quite a few layers to them. There is one of them where I got a bid giddy with the 4mm foam pads:

Since my last post I’ve had to do quite a few birthday cards too. 1 for Dex,

A couple for Harvey (1 from me, 1 from mum, 1 from Mason and 1 from Auntie Jean),

The there was a card for Git Face herself, 😂 my lovely sister,

I love her really (but don’t tell her that).

The card for Dex I’ve entered into a competition on Facebook, so if you have time please use the link below, find the angel wings card and give it a like:


Working on the tiles has carried on as you’d expect:

And some of my tangling work has ended up on Hobby Maker. Sandra took some of it to use as samples for some of her products:

They are based on some affirmation symbol stamps that I have added tangles round

Here are the pictures of the steps I took making the card.

And here are the steps for I took for the book mark

After that I mounted it onto some thick mount board to make it a more substantial. Do you really want a flimsy book mark?

I also decide to bling up one of my Sanntangle gnomes.

He’s called Fabian The Fabulous and he’s a bit of a diva.

He sits with the other gnome keeping an eye on Jack, Ursula and Maleficent keeping them in check and looking over my craft area.

With Sanntangle we (that’s the royal we) have now done over 500 tiles. To celebrate this milestone Sandra asked for people to recreate their favourite tile and send it in. This is the tile I did and sent in.

Personally I didn’t do many of the tiles below 100, I did a quite a few of them though. But, I have done every single tile since so I have now done over 400 tiles. Most of them you will see in my blog posts. You might have to go back a fair way though.

Over the past month Martha (scan n cut) has been pretty busy. She does help me with most of my cards after all. I’ve done some vinyl work too.

As my dad’s uncle passed away a few months ago he needed to be added to our Christmas tree. Last year I added the names of our passed relatives to some baubles to go on our Christmas tree, as a way to remember them at Christmas.

Here is a picture of Gordon’s bauble

I also made one to give to auntie Jean too.

Some other vinyl work I’ve done was to sort out a Christmas T-shirt for Lucy

My biggest worry about making that was that I had a dyslexic moment spelling Santa and it came out another way with a name for a totally different person. 😈

I do call Lucy Lucifer occasionally though. Because she can be a little demon times but that’s just like most 2 year olds.

Another project I did for Lucy was to re do the name and star on her bag:

On the last service at church before closing for Christmas we generally have our candle light service. It’s normally on the service closest to the solstice on 21 December and it’s about the light returning and days starting to get longer etc.

So for the candlelight service I decided to make something special for church. I added the words of the healing prayer we use to a LED candle lantern.

I think it’s looks nice and there is something about it shining light through the prayer that makes it extra special. In my head anyway. While I was setting things up for the service that night I put out all the candle and decided to get a picture with the lights off to see how it all looked:

I think it looks nice and I have to say that from what I remember the shapes on the back wall are just reflections of light through an open door.

So another thing I made was for one of our ex foster kids. I added the names of their family to a wooden Christmas Tree

Now it’s time to talk about Christmas. It was a few days ago and I got some lovely gifts. And got to spend a lovely time with the family.

Here are some pictures of the things I received

I also got quite a few fidget toys. One of them scared me senseless though. The other night I rolled over in bed and just saw this:

They are just stretchy bands. I didn’t know that they glow in the dark. So it gave me a bit of a shock because I wasn’t expecting to see these glowing worm looking things.

But I got a special little gift off Git Face. She got me a little box:

And when you open it this pops out.

Onto knitting, I have finished the back and two fronts of the cardigan for Lucy and now I’m on to the sleeves:

The two fronts
Here is the back

I have done something for the first time. I have actually joined and spoken on a TikTok live and not just stayed in the comments. It was a conversation about spiritual things. The guy that does it does them quite a lot and they are very interesting. Listening to different people’s stories and experiences. Just talking about all sorts of different things spiritual. It’s turned into a bit of a community for lots of likeminded people to come together.

You can find his channel on TikTok:


And he does a podcast that you can find on Spotify, YouTube and iTunes. Here is a link to his YouTube channel:


There are some very interesting videos there.

Here are a couple of interesting pictures. I got a new squishmallow

But don’t say his name!

And to finish things off here is just a random picture of Zoe that I thought was funny. She does sleep in some funny positions sometimes:

Love and light.

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