Haven’t the last couple of weeks flown by? They’ve been and gone before I knew it.
I was going to do the usual talk about what’s been going on and what I’ve been up to but had an amazing experience at the monthly gong bath, so I’ll talk about that first.
Well it started off a bit rushed and cold, Graham and Ondray were quite rushed because they got stuck behind an accident on the way so they didn’t get there until 7. By that time they are normally all set up and ready to go so it was a bit of a headless chicken act for them but all got sorted in time for things to start at 7:30.
So tonight I had plans to focus on sending some intense healing to some friend. Well I did that but also experienced some interesting things.
So while I was sat there channeling some healing energy and a bit of reiki and some Karuna and what ever else was coming through I started to get a strange sensation in my upper back. It was weird but knew what ever it was I just had to let it happen.
At first it felt like the energy was coming a bit from me and a bit from the spirit world/universe or god or whatever you want to call it. But then it was like something just clicked and , things ramped up a gear, well a couple of gears really, and all of a sudden the energy started coming through me and nothing was actually coming from me. It’s awkward to explain and I know that what’s supposed to happen and normally it does. Well, I thought so, but it seems that’s not what was happening after all. It was an amazing feeling.
Anyway let’s get back to the weird sensation in my upper back. It was tingling and felt like my back was being pulled up, well not pulled more like floating up. The floating energy sensation carried on and I started to grow a pair of angel wings.
Then people I was sending healing to appeared In front of me. Or I went to them I’m not sure which way round it was. Then to give that extra healing boost to them I wrapped my wings round them and started to shine. There was a light that shone so bright that it would normally hurt your eyes, but this light didn’t. And I knew even though it only happened in a fraction of a second they got everything they needed from it.
It was a lovely experience and the healing that was going out was amazing. It was so clear, pure and strong it was just love, light and compassion. Simple things that there just isn’t enough of in the world. We all have it in us we just need to let it shine.
After the healing experience something else started to happen. Well it was at the same time. Like 2 separate things happening at the same time. Well one was happening now and the other was happening a long time ago in the past.
I was in ancient Egypt (well it wasn’t ancient at the time but you know what I mean). The sights, the sounds, the smells everything was so interesting but I seemed to know how everything worked. I was a priest or a wizard or something like that. I had awesome knowledge and some amazing abilities and the things I could do really scared some people.
I had a job that was to help the pharaoh on their final journey. It wasn’t a scary experience or anything like that. It wasn’t like I was going to be sacrificed. It was literally just helping someone on a journey.
Interesting side note – I had a staff like a walking stick then too.
I’d been helping pharaohs take this journey for a long time. I went with the pharaohs into the tombs and spent about a week with them helping them on the journey into the next world. Swaying things here and there where it was needed and just making sure they got to where they were supposed to be.
Well where tradition said they should end up even though on the odd occasion they didn’t make it because they didn’t deserve it. Or more like I didn’t sway things in their favour. Those Pharaohs didn’t quite like it but it didn’t matter because the powers that be or gods sorted it all out and generally agreed with what I did.
So on this occasion I went with the pharaoh to the tomb. I was supposed to be there for about a week, I didn’t need food or water or anything like that, I think I just used universal energy to live off and the energy of the other magical and sacred things in the tomb.
But this time some people decided they didn’t like what I could do or I scared them or something. And because of that they secretly planned to lock me in the tomb and not let me out. So I went with the Pharaoh and helped them to pass over to the good place or The Field of Reeds. And when I’d finished with that and went to leave, the tomb had been fully sealed and the entrance buried. They did it this way to try and get rid of me.
But what they didn’t know was because of all the magic I alway had a way out. I don’t know if it was magic or if I just knew a secret entrance/exit but I got out.
When I got out, I was clean and tidy just the way I was when I went in. But, before going back to the palace or temple, I made myself look a little dirty and disheveled like I’d had a tough time (it was all about the appearance).
At the Temple or Palace the people that tried and failed to lock me up were going through my things trying to divvy things up. They didn’t know what the things they were holding were or the power they had. They just knew that they wanted them. I think they were drawn to the vibration and energy they gave off.
The look on their faces when I walked in was priceless. They dropped everything and left looking very sheepish knowing they messed up big time. Such a change from the smug, proud looks they had before, like the cat that got the cream (weird saying but felt right to use it there).
They knew things weren’t good for them. They didn’t know what was going to happen but they started living in fear. Everything they did the were scared something bad was going to happen to them.
I didn’t need to do anything. They were living in fear of pretty much everything. Because they messed up on a massive scale the gods and universe put things in place for them to learn the lessons they needed. As they weren’t nice people and didn’t learn from what was happening they kept being put through the same lessons and things got worse and worse and worse for them (You might call it Karma).
I also know that when they passed they didn’t make it to the nice place.
And that all happened while I was doing the healing work. It was an amazing experience. I’ve also heard back from the people I sent the healing to and they said it helped them.
29 November is Dexter’s Birthday. I know he had a great day. He’s not physically here but celebrated in the spirit world with the family that went before us. Big Love Dex keep shining.
So after all that I can’t really remember any specific things I done so I’ll just talk about the crafty and tangly bits I’ve done:
So crafty wise I’ve made a couple of cards and I’ve actually started my Christmas Cards. I’ve only done 2 so far but I’ve made a start, I even dug out Crafter’s Bane and used that on them. Here are pictures of the cards I’ve done:

I made another card for Adam from me, mum and dad but needed a video to show what it did so here it is.
Nice little pop up function,
There are probably other cards but they have been lost to the annals of time (That’s a better way of say I forgot to take pictures).
Tangly tiles:

I’ve been playing vinyl and plastic too:

I like the little snowman bauble for katie think it’s cute. Some of the bits didn’t cut too well though because of the size but it looks ok, the other bauble is for Katie to put in on the tree in Dexter’s Garden. I’m not really happy with it the backing pieces are too big. I measured the bauble and the flower shape and it should fit with no issues but something went wrong somewhere. I’ve got a few more to make so I’ve learnt from the mistakes of the past so the next lot should be better.
I think that’s about it. It’s the time of year for parties and get togethers and making merry etc so enjoy every moment and spread the love and light that’s inside you to everyone.
Keep shining,
Love and Light.