How has today been?

That is a bit of an interesting question. I haven’t really don’t much to be honest. I’m making some headway in the garden though. My new compost bins arrived yesterday. So I’ve emptied the sacks I had spuds growing in. They have gone in one of them.

I think I’ve overdone it a bit today though. Over exerted myself you could say. I think that because I’ve spent most of the evening in a confused haze.

There are still a few things I have to empty into the bins, but I do have to figure out what are weeds and what are plants I wanted to grow.

I’m trying to only grow things that have a use and are edible or give me something at the end. There are one or two flowering plants though. You have to have something that’s pretty don’t you?

My nephew has been quite awkward though over the past couple of days. I have had to retreat to my room or to the greenhouse when he has started. I haven’t been able to cope with him. It’s pretty pants, that I can’t cope with confrontation, especially from a 6 year old. He never wants to read, write or do any of his homework.

I have another day in the garden tomorrow and will end up stinking of jays fluid. They joys. But needs must, I have to clean up the bags and pots that have been used. Just hope I find a dry patch in the weather. Going to an ms support group on Friday though so that should be fun. It’s a trip out anyway.

The weirdest thing that’s happened today is I was contacted by an old friend. Someone I haven’t spoken to for a long time. It was great to have a bit of a chat and catch up. Just a shame it was over the phone though.

Love and light.

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