The hugs we share in love and light
They go out with all our might
No longer in person but our hearts shine bright.
It won’t be long until midnight when this thing ends our arms will bend
Together at last our hearts will blend
Until that time our hearts sing out, the songs of love that will not end. The connection’s there for each to send.
Just hold out your hand and hugs will come in from across the land.
The hug holds true for one and all and when we can we’ll have a ball.
Send out hugs
I came up with that the other day. This not hugging people is hard. I hope you like the little prayer. Everyone that I’ve shared it with have said they liked it and I’m happy with it so all is good.
So this week:
I collected my new glasses,
- I collected my new glasses
- I went to a church service
- I did some sewing, by hand and some by machine
- A reading for my sister
- Another row or two on mums sock
- The world descended into mayhem
So I picked up my new glasses, it took them long enough to come. I was starting to think that they had forgotten all about me. What’s more annoying about the whole thing is that a few days before they were ready I got a survey text asking me how they did. I didn’t reply at the time and it’s safe to say I just haven’t bothered. If I did reply when I got the message things wouldn’t have been so nice. Having to get your glasses fitted whilst wearing a mask is pretty awkward and it isn’t that accurate. My glasses fit right when I had a mask on but once it was taken off my new glasses started to slip down my nose. At some point I have to go back and get them sorted.
I went to a church service. First time in a long time church opened again. It was great to see people in real life especially when I’ve only seen them through a computer screen for the past god knows how long. The service was really good. It was shorter than they used to be because there’s no singing anymore. You could probably say that’s a good thing though lol. I wasn’t on the platform but I know from past experience it can be funny up there while everyone is singing away with the hymns. Up there you seem to hear everyone singing, or should that be whaling. Bob Dawson was the medium for the night and I love the services he does. I just find them really fun and entertaining. I did get a message though which was nice. It was from my gran, she was cleaning the cotton wool out of my head to help me get some clarity on what’s going on at the moment. I liked the message and it was really nice to get one on the first service back.
Sewing by hand and machine. Friday and Saturday I decided I wanted I new face mask. The one I have has faded so now fits gone from bright yellow to more of a lemon colour. I spent some time digging around online looking for a pattern and thought I found a good one. It had different sizes and a video showing how to do different bits and stuff like that. I decided I wanted an orange mask. The yellow one I did was made of all cotton fabric but after the online digging and looking about lots of places were selling poly-cotton for masks and as I’d got a load that up until recently was being used to decorate the bare wall in the dining room I thought I’d try that. Well the mask came out ok ish. I was doing this one by hand so I couldn’t follow the pattern/instructions to the letter. I added a small panel for a nose wire (pipe cleaner) and thought it would be ok. It had all been washed and stuff before and after the sewing and I decided that church would be it’s grand unveiling. So got to church and put it on before we went in. I think I put up with it for a grand total of 10 minutes. No idea why but it made my nose really, really itchy. I had my yellow mask with me too so I decided it was time for a costume change. So out came the yellow mask and a swap over was done.
I said I wanted a new mask but this time I just couldn’t be arsed doing it by hand so I asked katie if I could borrow her sewing machine. She dropped it off this morning. Being all prepared and stuff I cut the fabric and washed it all so it was ready to get going today. So went into the dining room an set to work. The sewing machine was there. I knew that I needed to wind the bobbin with the same colour thread I was using for the new mask this time a lovely lime green colour. So I take out the bobbin from its little home and after a quick YouTube video I had that set up and winding along merrily. The fun came when I tried to put the bobbin back in,”. What I didn’t realise when I took a t out I should have only taken the bobbin bit out and not the rest of the bobbin bits as well. So after asking super dad the knower of all things for help he came in and after a bit of jiggery pokery he got it sorted. The strange bit for me was the fact I threaded the machine without help and without having to consult google. Go me!! So once everything was back together I was ready to start.
Did the first two seams with no issues and one at the top. Time for the bottom thing we’re a little on the larger side I decided that I could go in a little bit further to make it fit right. So, yeah, I went in a bit too far and the mask ended up to small. So after asking mum if it would fit her before I had to unpick the seam it did so it save me a job. Just had to add 2 elastic ear loops and sew up the sides. Then mask number 2 done. So one that made my nose itch and this one too small. So I decided to try and be lucky with attempt number 3.
This time I decided to go back to all cotton. I couldn’t find the template I’d used in the past to decided to use the itchy nose one and make it a little bigger. This time I decided to go for a fetching purple. Had a thread with an exact match and even remembered to wind the new colour onto the bobbin. Luckily the old colour had just run out so I didn’t have to either search for a new bobbin or dump the unused thread. This time when taking out the bobbin, remembering the lessons from earlier, I only took out the bobbin and not the rest of the bits. And sewing this mask started.
Seam number 1, no issues.
Seam number 2, all good.
Oh shit, realised I had things in the wrong order. Should have do one bit with one layer and the other with two. Never mind, I can bodge this and when sewing it all together I can put the layers in order so each side has three.
Top seam, worked up a treat and the crisis was averted.
Bottom seam, straight forward and pretty neat.
Attached the cords, turned the right way out and sewed up the sides and……….(drum roll)………….

After putting a card reading/message on the Facebook crystal group last week or the one before Katie decided that she wanted me to give her a reading. I don’t like giving readings to people I’m close to because when it comes to discussing things and giving evidence I’m never sure if the information I’m giving is from spirit or if it’s just me remembering things. But, the reading went well despite me almost getting really emotional at times and crying. Well, Dex is getting annoyed with his great grandmothers doing the parental thing and looking after him when he just wants to be independent and do everything himself. He’s also a leg hugger and if he was here he would be a little cheeky pain in the arse (in a good way) and the unsung his big brother Harvey up. Katie said she liked the reading and felt better afterwards so I take that as a good session.
On the subject of psychic/mediumship stuff I ran the development group online again on Friday. It was a good night and everyone involved got something out of it. Everyone managed to give a message or some information so good going to all of them. The funny bit during the session was while I was giving a guided meditation across some peoples screens animals decided to wander about. I’m not talking spirit animals here I’m talking real life pets. It was quite funny that while trying to give a guided meditation looking up and seeing a cats arse saunter across the screen. Seeing something like that when you’re trying to be all serious is quite funny, the hardest part is trying not to laugh out loud. That probably wouldn’t have helped people be all calmed and relaxed and it would have taken away from what I was trying to achieve. Afterwards I told people what had happened and the owners of the cat were very apologetic. I said they don’t need to be, the cat was just doing what cats do and that any type of healing, psychic and mediumistic work attracts animals and they find it comforting and healing. Anything like that pets love and are attracted to and that they don’t need to worry. There was the cat, some people with dogs had the dogs barking or trying to join in as well. It was a very active evening from a pet point of view. I even heard Zoe outside the dining room door huffing and puffing wanting to come in. Bits that was that and still everyone had a great session.
I did another row or two on mum sock. Still have about 4 inches to go on the foot but I’ll get there eventually. How long it will take I don’t know but I will finish it. At some point.
Last time I talked about having some teeth taken out. The holes are healing up nicely, or so I’m told. but I’m still getting a lot of pain but it’s not from the holes. Between my tongue and the holes is something that feel solid little sharp lump. It hurts to touch and is causing the pain and irritation. It hurst every time I open my mouth and whenever I eat something. No idea what it is so looks like there will be another trip to the dentist on the cards. When that will be I have no idea but I hope it will be soon. Like now or tomorrow, I just want this whole thing to be sorted.
Anxiety, I know I mentioned about anxiety last week about going to the dentist but Saturday and Sunday it was utter shite. During the service I started to feel uncomfortable. No idea why but thought it might have been something to do with being back in church and being somewhere there were a few more people than I’ve been around for a long time and that I was in church maybe picking up on something spirit related. On Sunday though things were a hell of a lot worse. I spent most of the day feeling absolutely petrified. I just felt scared senseless. I had no idea why or what was scaring me or making me feel uncomfortable. There were times I was even scared of saying something was scaring me. It was pants. After mum, the amazing lady that she is, eventually got me talkingwe decided that it could be something to do with the medication changes. Not only was my medication changed from amitriptyline to nortriptyline but the dosage was reduced by half. So we decide that it was probably that that was causing the anxiety. I remember in the deep dark recesses of my mind that the MS Nurses said that I was on amitriptyline for pseudobulbar affect (messed up emotions) so it would make sense that a change in that medication could effect me. So we upped the does and so far things seem to be going ok. The specialist that made the change from one triptyline to the other said it was ok to increase the dose if it was needed. It looks like it working at the moment so we just need to repel the GP so he can sort out prescribing more.
Anyway, virtual hugs to everyone.
Love and light.