Why is there so much racism?

I’m getting really bored now of seeing so much racist crap on Facebook. I think I’ll have to go on a deleting spree soon. It also says a lot about the people I thought were friends.

What pushed it over the edge today was seeing a meme on Facebook saying a school had been marked down by ofsted because it was too white and too English. It then went on to say share if you’ve had enough of anti English racism.

To me the meme in its self is racist and shows racism from the people that share it. Yes it’s right the school should be marked down as it’s teaching kids from a young age that segregation is all good. The fact I think it’s one of those words on a picture things that must be true cos it’s on Facebook. Its probably all bullshit and shows how narrow minded  and gullible people can be.

Segrigation and narrow mindedness is never a good thing. The only way we can progress as people is by working together. It’s bad enough the country is going through a segrigation process all of its own. By that I’m talking about brexit. Yet another case of people thinking they are better than everyone else.

Admittedly it does seem to be older people. With that whole debate I found it funny that people were saying they have no say in the decisions that were made in Brussels. The funny bit is that the people that were saying it were supposed to be the one we chose as a country to make sure they have the say. If they weren’t being listened to it says they weren’t doing their job properly.

i didn’t want to get into anything political on this blog but I’ve had to. I have had enough of racism, homophobia and anything else that is saying one race or religion is better than another. Everyone is equal. King Arthur had the right idea with the round table thing. Everyone should work together we would get a hell of a lot more done and we would achieve anything and everything we wanted to.

I beg you, I am pleading that you work with other people and show love and respect to anyone you come into contact with.

Its the only way we can progress as a species. And that would benefit everyone. There would be no more war, or the need for weapons of mass destruction. Let’s defeat hate of any kind and give everything else a chance.

It all comes down to love and acceptance. If you accept everyone there would be no issues. Acceptance is a form of love.

I’ll leave you with that thought.

Love and light.

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