Random reading attempt (no cards)

So I feel like trying something I haven’t done before. I’m going to attempt to do a group reading/message without using cards. Have a read and let me know if it works for you.

If you’ve seen my recent message on Facebook you’ll have seen that I’ve been playing with my cards recently. So let’s go one step further and do it without cards. I’ve been told I can do it by people on both sides so I just need to trust myself…………..

So I’ve turned the telly off (well paused it) and dimmed the lights. If you’re sitting comfortably, we’ll begin.

At the moment there is lots of chatter about this and that. Everyone seems to be being pulled in different directions. Everyone seems to think their direction is the best but they fail to realise that there is more than one way to go. Like the old saying “there is more than one way to skin a cat”. You need to make up your own mind about the path that’s right for you. Just remember not all paths are smooth.

There are lessons you need to learn. And barriers that you need to overcome. You can do it, you have the strength inside. You just need to tap into it and the journey will be plain sailing.

Each step along the path contains a lesson you need to learn. Just remember you need to accept something before you can move on and take the next step. If you don’t accept it you’ll end up stuck in the mud and really struggle to get going again.

There are lots of help along the way. This will come from other people and spirit. They’re there even if you don’t believe. Sometime sending love and sometimes giving you the kick up the arse that’s needed to get moving.

Just remember there are always people and spirits ready and willing to help. All you need to do is ask. They’ll help, teach and guide if you can hear them or not.

The best tool to help on the path is love. If you do everything from a place of love and light you’ll be able to fly.

If you need to you can always take a step back to see the bigger picture. Sometimes the challenges that life throws at you can feel and seem insurmountable, if you take the step back you can see them for what they truly are. Don’t make mountains out of mole hills. Things are never as bad as they seem. Just think one day you’ll be able to look back on them and laugh. And when you’ve got through them it will make you a better and stronger person. Just ask for help if you need it. Help is always there.

It’s time to start organising things, putting them in order and for a clear out. I know it’s a bit late for a spring clean but that’s the sort of thing you need to do. Start getting rid of people and things that don’t serve you on your journey. By serve you I don’t mean bring you drinks. I mean the people and things that hold you back and clip your wings. Sometimes though it can feel hard to do. I understand that, I’ve been through it it isn’t easy but it’s one of the best things you can do. Just remember that once these things are removed it will set you free.

Be free, spread your wings. Live life with love and with light. If someone has a problem with you. It’s their problem not your. Don’t worry about it. There is a great song by Ru Paul called sissy that walk. It’s one of those songs that has powerful lyrics. The line I feel that fits here is “unless they paying your bills, pay them bitches no mind”.

If I fly or if I fall least I can say I gave it all. That’s another line from the song. Again do every thing you do to the best of your ability. If it’s cooking, gardening, cleaning or working in an office, just do your best and do it with love. It will make you shine.

Listen to the song. It’s awesome:

Love and light

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