I didn’t really now how is should start this post, because it been so long since my last update it started to feel really really awkward.
I’m still not really sure what to talk about but as you know, me making decisions about things isn’t always the easiest thing.
So I’m sure you know about the appropriated pagan holiday that happened the other day. Merry Christmas if you celebrated it and if not I hope you had a nice weekend.
Well, I can safely say that Christmas for the last couple of years has been pants. It now seems that a new family tradition is coming to light. For the last few years at least one person has been ill. This time it’s mum and dad. Recently though dad has been the one taking the brunt of being ill at Christmas though. It’s not the first time this year.
So Christmas Day dad was ill, and so was mum. Dad was worse though. He was really suffering. It’s a stinking cold he’s got but I’m sure it’s sending him a little bit funny.
So food wise on Christmas Day I had a bacon muffin for breakfast. (That’s a tradition that can stay). Then for Christmas Dinner I had some antipasto, a bread roll and some melon.
As we were getting that out ready to start Katie, Adam, Harvey and Lucy came round to see us and get their presents. They were here for a couple of hours. So I think it had gone 6 before they left.
So the starters were all ready but the main bit of the meal, the turkey and beef etc hadn’t even been started. Because dad was ill the cooking fell to me and mum. At that point we made the executive decision to leave the rest of Christmas Dinner and have it Boxing Day instead.
Dads felt better that day so is cooked the rest of the meal so we had the rest of Christmas Dinner for tea and the good thing is that we weren’t on leftovers. That day tea and it was brilliant.
Because mum and dad aren’t well they have been doing COVID tests. Mums done 2 or 3 tests now and has been negative on each but Dad did a test and it came back positive. So Dad has COVID for the second time.
Well Christmas present wise I got some brilliant ones. I got lots of tiny Haribo bags which is awesome. I got some chocolates, a selection box, some money, a couple of vouchers and i got a Kaffe Facet Quilt Kit. When it’s done it will be quite big. I’m nervous to start it but I am excited.

There are bits of foundation paper piecing involved and I’ve never done that before. So, I’ve been watching the video of sewing street when they went through the quilt and I’ve also been looking at other videos on YouTube about Foundation Paper Piecing. It seems really interesting and in the quilts case it looks amazing.
I promise I’ll let you know when I start it. I’ve ordered a couple of rulers and other bits that I can use to help so I don’t think I’ll be starting the quilt for a little while yet.
Sticking with sewing I made a couple of things for mum for Christmas.

I made a long heat wrap with cherry pits. It can also be cold wrap too as it can go in the freezer. I also made 5 small pads too, they aren’t in the picture though.
The smaller squares in the picture are smelly things to put in drawers. I think they are called Pomanders . They are filled with dried lavender so they smell nice and should keep the things in the draws fresh and free from bugs.
The weird thing is that the fabrics I used to make the smaller pads in the picture are actually from the same fabric collection as the quilt kit.
I made a couple of others for some friends too:

Again these are filled with lavender and the fabric is from some Holland and Sherry swatch books. So it’s designer fabric. I also added a little magic to these while I was making them. The people I gave them to can use them however they wish but I did say if they are hung near the door they will keep the room energeticly clean, smelling nice and stop anything negative coming in.
That’s it for sewing recently. The main bulk of the craft things I’ve been doing have been Christmas cards. I really need to get on top of making them earlier next year and not leaving them until the last minute. Here are some pictures of the Christmas cards I made:

This next year I’m determined to be a lot more organised with Christmas Cards. I went through the list for next year with mum earlier and she wants 74 so a couple every few weeks should get it down.
Harvey’s and Katie’s birthdays are in December so of course I made some birthday cards. Here are the ones I did for Harvey’s birthday:

And here are the cards I made for Katie

I also had to make a card for Katie’s to give to someone at work:

I’ve also been asked to make a couple of cards for a friend. She wants some plain and simple cards:

That’s all she wanted on the front. She felt that this image will put across the message that she wants. It’s plain and simple and because there isn’t a sentiment on the front it can be used for lots of different situations.
Here are picture of the tiles I’ve done over the past few weeks:

There has been an important mile stone with the tiles. There have now been over 400 and her is tile 400:

We’ve also been doing the tiny advent tiles project again this year. I’ve finished the drawing but i haven’t done any shading. I’m not sure if I should go with a monochrome look with just shading or if I should colour it:

What would you do?
Colour or just shade it?
Over the last couple of weeks I’ve made a baby blanket. It’s for a friend to give someone else on the birth of a new baby:

I’ve been told that the mother really loves the blanket. It’s always brilliant when you get some nice feedback like that.
I’m going to leave it there because I can’t think of anything else to talk about.
Hope you had a good Christmas and wish you all the best for the new year.
Love and Light