Que Sera stone

This stone has an amazing appearance. One of the first things you will think when you hear the name is that Doris Day Song, Que Sera Sera. That’s what it does it helps you accept what is. It also looks like it’s full of galaxies it helps with astral projection, so you can travel to the stars. It will help you communicate with beings on a higher but grounded spiritual level.

This stone is connected with the 3rd eye and throat chakra, it will help energise and awaken them. It will help improve visualisation abilities. And can be used to treat the eyes both physically and spiritually. It has a very high vibration so can work throughout your energy field, in the aura and on the body. The crystal will help bring the energy through all the layers of your being and anchor it where it’s needed. It will aid in accepting things fully on all levels not just the face.

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