I’ve Moved…..

Well for a start you’ll notice the new look on the site and the fact that its a completely new one to.

Yes I have changed the website completely. Hopefully now though the site will look and work better. Well fingers crossed anyway. There are a couple of new pages and other bits to.

There have been a couple off issues though. the first host i went with decided to not let me connect to the builder site through my internet service provider. It’s not easy trying to build a website through your phone. I won’t be going near them again for website building. Lesson Learned.

So over the past few days I’ve mainly been getting stressed out trying to sort the whole thing out. Its had me panicking and huffing and puffing. In a way though I’m glad its all done and dusted now though. Well mostly anyway. I still have a few more things to do. I’ll get them sorted though. I will, I’m determined.

So let me know what you thing of the site. If you have any hints and tips let me know.

Very short and sweet one today but Love and Light and big up ya’ bad self.


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