Scary times for Oakley the owl!

Well, what to talk about? I think these are becoming regular themes on here. Knitting and fear. I think these things are taking over my life at the moment.

I’m in the process of knitting a Christmas present. It’s still in bits at the moment but it’s starting to look good retry good even if I do say so myself. It’s an owl and on the pattern it’s called Oakley the owl. It’s gonna be cool when it’s finished.

Fear, now that’s something. Last night I had a really scary moment. I forgot how to walk and move my legs. That was one scary few minutes. I think it was partly down the thinking about it too much. You know when you really start thinking about something and forget how to do it. My mum managed to snap me out of it though by getting me to move and do something. So focusing on something else helped and made me move and walk without thinking. Yes it was stuttery and juddery and slow but still I moved.

Sleep has been an issue for the last few days too. It hasn’t been happening when it’s supposed to.

I went to see the nurse today at the doctors. This is because I’ve been put on the Asthma Register. So I’ve got that on top of everything else. I went to see her for a breath test thing. Where you blow into the cardboard tube that’s attached to a machine. She resented that and suggested I start using a tube attachment thing with my inhalers. I have a brown and a blue one now. It’s all fun and games.

I’ve been giving myself a lot of reiki and Karuna recently too. This is partly because I’m being told to by my guides and it was also mention by Sarah too.

I’m in hospital next week for the second round of treatment. I can’t really say I’m looking forward to it. It’s now on a different ward in a different place in the hospital. So I have no idea how that’s going to go. I know it will be hard going but that’s about it. The reiki will help though. I will be taking some crystals when I go in. I’ll also be taking some knitting and crochet with me too. Once the owls finished I’m going to try knitting some socks.

I have quite a few sock patterns now and a few other patterns for different things. I’ve watched loads of YouTube videos on different things like knitting socks and crocheting things. I’ve even learnt how to block out socks and stuff. So that will be interesting when the time comes to doing it.

Wish me luck for next week.

Hope you are all having fun.

Love and light.

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