What a week
Well I think I told you about my trip to Salford hospital for the MS day and the near breakdown I had. If I didn’t never mind. There has been more the last week. As in a couple of breakdowns. All for the sheer sake of having them. I’ve just really struggled this week. I’m…
Bad day!
Oh my god. Today has been one of the worst days I’ve had for a while. Severe lack of sleep, fatigue, pain, , dizziness, and panic attacks and probably more that I just can’t think of.Today I had to get up early, well earliest I’ve had to get up for a while. I wouldn’t mind…
Changes at speed!
I have absolutely no idea what’s going on at the moment. I’m lost, I’m confused and at times struggling to speak because I can’t process what’s going on. I’m feel really low because all I want is a new home and people are calling others and things going back and forth. I just don’t know.On…
To be or not to be, that is the question!
Right I’m not talking about Shakespeare, I just think that quote is rather fitting at the moment for lots of people and lots of things. It’s a bit like what Yoda said, “do or do not, there is no try”. I think that’s fitting to. I think it’s time for people to move forwards and…
Going with the flow.
Going with the flow. What does that mean? Chugging along with normal activities, doing what everyone expects you to do, doing what everyone else is doing. Most people know about the work I’ve been doing with spirit and energy. If you don’t, do you really know me? I’ve been doing a lot of work recently…
Why is there so much racism?
I’m getting really bored now of seeing so much racist crap on Facebook. I think I’ll have to go on a deleting spree soon. It also says a lot about the people I thought were friends. What pushed it over the edge today was seeing a meme on Facebook saying a school had been marked…
Oh my god!
Air conditioning is amazing. Feel like that’s a bit of an understatement but it is. I spent a small fortune the other day and ordered an air conditioning unit. The thought has crossed my mind in the past but I finally took the plunge and got one. I only started using it today but it’s…
A bit of a moan!
All I’ve done for the past few days is sleep and take painkillers. It hasn’t been a good few days. The heat has been aweful too. It makes my symptoms worse. I’ve had fans and air coolers working overtime. Surprised they haven’t blown up. I used to love hot sunny days but I just can’t…
What is love?
So emotions have been running high today for a lot of people. I personally didn’t know any of the 22 who were lost 12 months ago. But it happened in my local city. A sad day but just showed by everyone in it that hate will never win. Love will overcome all. What is love…
Pain Sucks!
I’ve had major pain for the last few days. It’s really bad. Agony even. Even tramadol have been struggling to deal with it. The pain has been pretty pants but the drug induced hazes have been pretty fun. On a different note I feel a bit like a kid at Christmas. I’m excited for tomorrow.…