Category: My weird, wonderful, insane, ranting, raving, articulating claptrap

  • Nzuri Moyo

    The rare stone of the heart. It’s found in Africa in Namibia. Nzuri Moyo is a Swahili word that literally means Good Heart. That’s what this stone is all about. Working on your heart. It’s amazing for working on nervousness and unstable emotions. It can be used to help accept the things that are going…

  • Iolite

    3rd eye. This stone is amazing for the 3rd eye. It will help you connect to the spirit world. It will open, clear and balance the 3rd eye chakra. This stone has a rather strong energy and can pull the 3rd eye energy down through the rest of the chakra system. It can also help…

  • Emerald

    This is a great stone of the heart and it’s also the birthstone for May. This stone has been used as a symbol of love for a long time. People for centuries having been giving this stone to their loved one. It enhances the feelings of love between people. It can also be used to…

  • Cradle of humankind stone

    This is a pretty normal looking stone. But it holds power. This stone can help you get back to your roots. It will help find your true being and return to the state of perfection. This stone is great for past life work. It will help you get to the point where something happened that…

  • Arfvedsonite

    This stone is often confused with Astrophyllite it’s mainly because they look similar and normally come from the same place. Arfvedsonite normally has blue or silver flashes where Astrophyllite has golden ones. They both look cool though. Arfvedsonite is a stone associated with the higher chakras. It’s a great stone for manifestation and grounding the…

  • Why do I do it to myself.

    Why oh why oh why do I do this crazy stuff to myself. While typing this I’m sat in front of the telly and a certain celebrity chef is on. I just don’t like the bloke. I find him really annoying. No idea why but I keep watching his programs. The other thing is I…

  • ??????

    I’ve been meaning to write something for the past few days. The problem being I haven’t had a clue what to right about. Decisions decisions decisions. I’ve thought about about writing loads of different things. Everything from healing through change, dealing with change and talking about acceptance. I even started writing something the other day.…

  • Missing friends

    At weekend I went to see some friends at a dance event I’ve been to for the past few years. Only spent a couple of hours there but it was great to see friends from all over the world. I’m sure the hotel hallway wasn’t as hard to get down last year than it was…

  • Time to work together!

    Recent events seem to have clarified this for me. There are too many people working against each other. Everyone seems to feel their opinion is better than someone else’s. I’ve said recently that we are all one. I feel it’s about time that this was realised. Yes I don’t like the opinion some people have…

  • Hate!!!!!!!

    Why is there so much hate? I’ve seen so many people sharing hateful and racist crap on Facebook you wouldn’t believe. There are even people saying the people that are offended by things should grow up. The most shocking thing that I’m seeing is the people that are sharing the hateful rubbish. Most of these…