Category: My weird, wonderful, insane, ranting, raving, articulating claptrap

  • Amethyst

    Amethyst is probably one of the first crystal you worked with weather you new it or not. It is normally one of the first crystals that is picked up at the start of a collection weather for healing or not. Amethyst is known by some as a master healer as it can help with so…

  • Black Tourmaline

    Black tourmaline is a great grounding and protection stone. It works wonders when it comes to energetic protection, when paired with Selenite it works even better. Black tourmaline will absorb any negative energy so it will help draw out anything that needs healing. This crystal will aid in psychic development by making sure you are…

  • New post

    So today I’ve decided to update the site a bit and connect it to Instagram and Facebook. I’ve no idea if it will work so this post is a bit of a test really to see what happens. Over the next few days I’ll be doing a few more posts in the crystal section. Ive…

  • Luna Rose Quartz

    Lunar Rose Quartz or Lunar Rose for short is a very powerful crystal for the heart. It has all the qualities of Rose Quartz but these are amplified, even more so under the light of the moon. It is a very loving and calming stone that helps to promote self love, self acceptance and self…

  • Today and this week

    At the pain clinic. I was there on Monday working with the pain physio. I explained that since doing the exercises he suggest my pain has increased. I said I was working through it and pushing myself as I’m sure someone said that I’d have to go through it before I got the benefits from…

  • I feel like crap

    I’m feeling like crap at the moment. There are so many things that just aren’t helping me. I’ve been in agony for a while now. The other day was a tramadol day. The pain was that bad I needed something to help. It doesn’t do much but helps a little. I’ve even had to have…

  • Why does it hurt so much?

    Why does it hurt so much. Pain in my legs Pain in my arms Pain in my back Pain throughout my body Why do I have to go through it? Why do I have to live with it? Why oh why oh why. It gets me down. It makes me tired. It’s hard to deal…

  • What an interesting weekend.

    Wow what a weekend I’ve had. I didn’t really do much on Friday. Just the normal stuff really. Got up, went to knitting club, came home had tea and went to bed. So nothing really exciting for that day. Saturday on the other hand was a bit more entertaining. Did the usual stuff during the…

  • I wrote a poem, I think

    Well I have no idea why but I wrote a poem. Please have a read and don’t be to harsh with me. Anyway here goes. The poem is called Depression. And by the way I’m not depressed at the moment well not too badly anyway: Depression The pain I feel deep down inside must never…

  • Que Sera stone

    This stone has an amazing appearance. One of the first things you will think when you hear the name is that Doris Day Song, Que Sera Sera. That’s what it does it helps you accept what is. It also looks like it’s full of galaxies it helps with astral projection, so you can travel to…