So the last week has been a bit of a whirlwind in different ways. Last week I started to crochet a bunny. I finished that on Monday: With needle felting bees, pumpkins and ghosts: Knitting and Macrame I made a bracelet: the bracelet was like the one above but was black and white rather than…
Crafty McCraftface
Wow what a day. It’s been long, crafty, damp and woolly. So today me and mum went to Yarndale. It was over in Skipton. As the name sounds it was all about wool. So it covered all sorts of woolly crafts. From spinning to felting and everything in between. So knitting and crochet, felting and…
What have I been up to craft wise?
So craft wise there has been knitting, macrame and needle felting. With the knitting I’ve been working on a bright yellow teabag hat for Harvey. A Baby Hat with Yoda ears and a pretty blanket. I think they’re all looking pretty good. What do you think? With macrame I haven’t really done much. Just trying…
I can’t think of a name for this post!
Oh my god! I’m sat here booing my eyes out, untangling cord and watching Queer Eye more than a make over. I love this program. I’ve watched all the episodes on Netflix already but watching them again. Some of the things that are being mentioned in the program are hitting home. The Fab 5 are…
Why oh Why!!!!!!
Why is it considered rude to shout extremely loudly in someone’s face? All I want to do is tell them that they look like a shit drag queen (insult to drag queens, they have better makeup skills) and that they need to shut the FUCK UP!!!!! Everyone does not need to hear every conversation you…
Captain’s log.
Well not quite, more like disabled and too old cabin boy’s log. We made it across the Channel and we’re now in St Peter Port on Guernsey. Yesterday we went from Plymouth to Salcombe, we had a potter round Salcombe in the afternoon and had a pasty for a late lunch. Got to have a…
On Us Holidays
So new location for a post to be written. At the moment I’m sat in my wheelchair, in the cockpit of a catamaran in Plymouth yacht haven. The sun is shining, the wind is blowing, I can hear the soft rippling of the waves on the side of the boat and of course seagulls. Bloody…
Newsletters, sticking labels and stamps
Yesterday I just felt off, not right. I knew something was wrong but didn’t know what or how to explain it. There was hot burning patches all over the place, pain everywhere as well. Brain fog, nausea, dizziness came out to play too. I just felt crappy. I managed to finish the newsletter for the…
What a weird day
Well today started off like many others. I woke up. Heard the door bell so go downstairs, nearly killing myself on the process, to answer the door to the postman. A parcel came for me. I don’t know about you but whenever I get a delivery I always happy but curious. I want to know…
Category is ………………
Pain, pain, more pain and oh yeah nearly forgot, pain. There’s also been feelings of love, friendship, loneliness and being generally uncomfortable. So the pains been there again but what feels like forever. My pain killers are being reduced which I think is making the pain worse. From a chat with people on Facebook (you…