Category: My weird, wonderful, insane, ranting, raving, articulating claptrap

  • Times may change

    Times may change and goal posts move but how you react is how you are seen. You can sit and wallow in despair longing for that by gone time. When the grass was greener and chocolate bars were bigger. Back when you had to get up half an hour before you went to bed and…

  • Am I a bad person?

    Well been accused of some things in the past but I think this one takes the piss. I don’t see myself as a bad person and I don’t think I am. But I suppose the only people that can answer that are other people. That would be if I gave a shit about what people…

  • Vegan Leather?

    How the hell can you have vegan leather? Was the animal fed on vegans? If it is vegan then it can’t be leather. So looking at the definition (thanks to google) leather is made from the skin of an animal. With that very fact leather can not be vegan. The only reason I’m asking the…

  • Dog gone week.

    Late ish night update. Well it’s late for me at the moment. Didn’t do an update at weekend because I kept putting it off. So thought it’s now time. So last week……… mum didn’t have a great week. She took things easy and tried to slow down. I say try because if you know her…

  • Whirlwind, whirlwind and a few more whirlwinds.

    So it’s official. I have changed my religion. I am now a spiritualist. Last night I became a member of Bury Spiritualist Centre that is part of the SNU (spiritualist national union). I’m also a provisional individual member of the SNU. The full membership will come later on after an interview and some other bits.…

  • So we got a dog take 2

    Just noticed this original post doesn’t seem to show properly. Last week we got a dog. She is absolutely amazing and so cute. Her full name is Zoe Nanna. I don’t believe that my dad finally caved. Let’s just say my mum has been laying it on pretty thick for a while now. So last…

  • Another step along my path.

    So this last week there have been MS team meetings and other sessions. There has been dog training and playing with Zoe. Psychic stuff and development things. Church stuff, friend stuff and to top it all off hospital trips. Have to say though that the hospital trips haven’t been for me. Mum hasn’t been too…

  • So we got a dog!

    Last week we got a dog. She is absolutely amazing and so cute. Her full name is Zoe Nanna. I don’t believe that my dad finally caved. Let’s just say my mum has been laying it on pretty thick for a while now. So last week my sister said that her friend was selling some…

  • Long time

    Oh my god. I haven’t posted anything for about 2 weeks. I’m sorry. Have to say though things haven’t been that great for me. Today has been the worst though. Today I feel absolutely crap, loads of pain, fatigue and dizziness. The dizziness has been the worst I’ve had for a while. Every slight movement,…

  • Whirlwind

    So the last week has been a bit of a whirlwind in different ways. Last week I started to crochet a bunny. I finished that on Monday: With needle felting bees, pumpkins and ghosts: Knitting and Macrame I made a bracelet: the bracelet was like the one above but was black and white rather than…