Random shower thoughts and other things.

Happy new year and all that bumf, it’s been the new year for over 2 weeks now so you know that already.

I’m sure I’ve said this lots of times before but I don’t do new years resolutions. You start the year full of good intentions saying “this will be the year x actually happens”. You keep up with things for about 2 weeks then it all goes to pot and you feel a failure for trying in the first place. So, because of that I don’t make New Year’s resolutions.

A couple of days after my last I started to feel a little off. It was a Thursday. Me and mum went to knitting in the morning and when we got home I was sat in the craft/sewing room and I was struggling to stay awake and I was fighting to keep my eyes open. I gave up and went for a sleep. After a few hours sleep I got up and had tea. After tea I started to feel cold. I mean really cold and no matter what I tried I couldn’t get warm.

So, I went back to bed, fully clothed, wrapped in a sheet as normal. I was still cold so I had my quilt on top of that with woollen blankets on top of that . No matter what I was doing I couldn’t get warm. It got to the point where mum and dad had to dig out a sleeping bag that they use on holiday so that went on top of me aswell. With all of those layers on I eventually started to feel a bit warmer.

After a couple of days I started to feel better. All in all it wasn’t too bad. I’m just glad I’ve kept up with all of the jabs. Yes I’ve been ill for a day or two after the each one but I’d rather that than end up in an ICU bed on a ventilator.

So yeah I started the new year not well. I still did my wander round the house with my broom clearing out any negative energy from each room. Just like normal sweeping, I brought it all together in one place. Normal sweeping the dust pan would come out but with energy sweeping when it’s been brought together it’s then swept out of the front door. After that stand at the open front door and welcome in the new years asking that only love and light come in.

It’s interesting that the broom only seems to come out on new year’s Eve. Well it has done for the past few years anyway. When I’d finished the sweeping I went round and recharged all of the protective wards I have dotted about the house.

So far this year I’ve made a couple of cards

There are a couple of condolence cards and a few birthday cards. There are 10 of the cards with the silver cross. They are for a lady a knitting and I talked about them last time.

With the colouring for the 2 dogs a tried a new to me technique of making a flicking motion with the pen. It’s supposed to give a furry look that doesn’t look like a seamless flat blend.

Tangles and tiles or tiles and tangles not sure which way round it sounds or feels better so you can have both. Here are the tiles I’ve done over the last few weeks:

I’ve added a bit more colour to my advent piece with the new watercolour pencils

It’s coming along nicely. And when I’ve added all the watercolour and it’s properly dried I’ll add a bit of shading too.

You might not be interested but here is a colour chart of the new Sanntangle Watercolour Pencils

They are quite nice and easy to use. If you want some you can get them from the Sanntangle website here:


I haven’t started the new quilt yet but I have watched a few YouTube videos on paper piecing to get an idea of what I’m supposed to be doing. At the moment though I’m not entirely sure how I’m going to sort out the paper pattern pieces and make sure they are the right size ready to use them,m. It won’t be a straightforward photo copy job because the pattern piece is larger than a4 size. I’ll figure it out eventually, just hope I don’t waste too much paper trying to sort it out and get it the right size where the bite from different people match up where they are supposed to.

Sticking with crafty bits I’ve been playing with vinyl again and made this for a friends:

I made it because the person in question is awesome. I did think about getting some more plastic and making a few of them and giving them out away awards and then realised that would involve doing people things and I don’t really like doing that.

I added some vinyl work to my diary:

Not much but I think it gets the message across that I want it to.

Mum keep saying she wants something for her diary. I keep telling her to tell me what she wants and I’ll get it sorted for her but if she doesn’t give me anything there isn’t much I can do and putting plain vinyl on a cover won’t look very nice.

I was playing round the other day and came up with this:

It’s small and cute and would work really well on a keyring.

Crochet wise I’m still working on the shawl for mum.

I’ve thought about some random things over the last few weeks too.

1 of them was to start another blog on this site but focussed on crafty things so do reviews of craft products etc. Then I remembered that I don’t deal with this blog as often as I should so that wouldn’t work.

Another one was focused around plastic things. I thought I should buy in lots and lots of plastic blankets and make things to sell and sell cards and stuff. Then I remembered that doing that would involved talking to lots of people and I’m not the biggest fan of doing people things especially if it’s with people I don’t know.

There was another thought that crosses my mind quite often is “why do damp cloths soak up water better than dry ones”? I know there will be some sciencey type reason for it but I haven’t really felt the urge to look it up so it’s still something random that floats round my head rent free.

Why is it that I normally get random ideas and thoughts when I’m in the shower?

The shower seems to be the place I do lots of thinking. normally on unrelated and random things.

Anyway random string of sentences over. Be kind to everyone.

Love and light.

2 responses to “Random shower thoughts and other things.”

  1. Glad you’re feeling better. The thoughts about not doing things that involve interacting with people really struck a chord with me, I am really averse to ‘peoply’ events etc these days.
    The shower is also a place for ideas, thoughts of others who I’ve promised to keep them in mind come to me. So you aren’t alone in that either 😄I enjoy reading your posts however weird, wonderful, insane or claptrap you may think they are.

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