Snap Judgements

Why do we make snap judgments about people we’ve just met?

There are some people that come into our lives and there is something about them that we either love or hate. You might never have seen or met them before but you just make a snap judgement.

You might even make them about people you’ve never met. People on TV, again there is just something about some of them. Normally with people on tv that you don’t like, you can’t seem to stop watching them. Well that’s how it works for me anyway. If it’s a character in a show I tend to stop watching. If it’s a presenter on a channel I can’t seem to look away. It’s weird I’ve no idea why that’s the case it just is. Anyway think about that for a while and think about how other people come across to you.

So tangles and tiles from the last 2 weeks:

It was dads birthday last week. He’s 72. A massive mile stone. I made 2 cards for him. 1 from me and one from mum.

I have made another card this week. I don’t really like making these type of cards because they make me sad. It was a condolence card.

I’ve been making some flowers aswell recently. I made some giant ones.

The light blue and red are made from paper and the darker blue is made from flower foam.

Here are some of the other flowers I’ve made

They look a jumbled mess at the moment and I have to make a fair few more. I’m making them all so they can go in a memorial to Bob at church. That means there will probably be a few burns from the hot glue gun to come but it should look good when it’s done and that’s worth a few painful fingers.

Mum and dad have gone away and left me a Zoe on our own. They left their poor disabled child home alone with a dog to look after.

At least the mornings haven’t been as early as they were for dad. Yesterday she got me up at about 5:30am and today it had just gone 6. It’s getting there. Few more days and she should be eating at reasonable times. The plus’s side we can go back to bed after breakfast.

It’s been a while since she slept on the bed with me. It’s just nice knowing she’s there looking after me. There is a lady called Kirsty coming round to take Zoe out for a walk. Zoe gets. Little bit kiddy when Kirsty turns up. I think Zoe likes her. I’m glad she’s getting out for a walk, it’s just really annoying that I can’t take her. I wish I could but it just isn’t possible. Only way I can be out with her is if someone takes me and my chair to met them somewhere on the walk that’s wheelchair accessible. And there aren’t that many places she likes going that are. The weather doesn’t help much either.

Right back to making more flowers and snap judgments. See you soon.

Love and Light.

One response to “Snap Judgements”

  1. Great tiles Chris and it’s great to see other crafty projects you’ve been working on, I’m sure the dog is capable of looking after you, just make sure Oven gloves are used when Zoe gets the pizza out of the oven !!

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