Happy Merry Tuesday

I think it’s Tuesday but I’m not sure, I could be wrong.

Earlier today I had loads of things to talk about but now I’ve sat down to type a post my mind has gone blank and I’m struggling to think of anything.

What fun it has been the last few days. All hot and sunny……. woo freaking woo. You know I’m not a fan of heat and I’m starting to feel a bit like a vampire. The main difference between me and a vampire is the fact I’m not good looking or loaded. So it’s a bit rubbish really.

So it’s time to talk about what’s been going on over the last week or so. At some point Katie came round and found my knitting. So yeah I’m back to knitting sock number 2:

So I’m just over 3 inches in. I’m only doing it in the evenings so I’m taking it pretty slowly I’m not rushing.

My new tangle board arrived on Saturday morning:

So that came and the thing with tangle boards they need to be tangled. I thought it was really pretty, just look at the grain on it. But yesterday I took the plunge and started working on it:

It’s coming along and I think it’s looking quite good. I think though that I need to find out how to add colour. Some people have added colour to their boards and I think mine needs some shading and some colour. What do you think?

That’s about it for crafty bits over the last week. Not much else has been going on really other than the usual. I can’t be arsed going into detail about them because I don’t want to focus on them.

What else has been going on?

There seems to be a lot of people that are moaning about wearing masks, having parties, social distancing and quarantine after holidays and stuff like that. These people are selfish murderers. They do not give a shit about killing someone or protecting others. But you can guarantee that they’ll be the first people complaining when a member of their family dies from COVID 19. They don’t care about anyone or anything, it takes the piss.

I think now when anyone complains about it or breaks the rules they should just be called out and given the title of murderer.

I saw something else on Facebook the other day that really did make me think what the fuck and it really pushed me off and I’m so glad that I have nothing to do with that world anymore.

Aren’t social gatherings banned? Do the rules put in place to protect people not apply to everyone?

If anyone gets ill ,which I hope doesn’t happen, the blame should be placed at the organisers feet. In the news someone somewhere was fined a stupid amount of money for organising an event or party or something. This seems to be happening all over the place and this is just showing how little some people care about others. What makes it worse is that the people that organised these events were saying that they were shutting down, losing money all to protect others not so long ago. They were going to charities and other places to get money because they were so hard done by, but then to go and do something so stupid and reckless really does take the piss. And it just shows that they don’t give a shit about anyone but them selves.

Aaaarrrrrrggggghhhhhh, if you hadn’t of guessed these things really get on my tits. I’m not sure if this is because I’m one of the people that this virus could kill or if it’s because of the sheer lack of care people have for others. Either way you look at it, it’s just plain wrong and I’m sure as hell Karma will come round to bite them on the arse at some point.

So if you’re one of these people that don’t care about anyone else please go and fuck right off. If you care, which I hope everyone that reads this does, please stay safe and carry one caring.

Love and Light

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