Cutting cords and removing things you no longer need.

Cleans yourself with either smudge, incense, sound or spray. You might want to have a shower before hand but it’s not necessary.

Once you’re cleansed relax and get into the right frame of mind.

Make sure the room your going to complete the work in is clean physically and energetically.

Make sure it’s comfortable. If you want play some soothing music, anything that makes you happy will be great.

Light some candles and some incense.

Do what ever you want to make the room feel sacred, safe and spiritual.

You can invite angels, guides, ascended master or any other light being willing to help.

Get some string, twine, thread or cotton and tie it round your chest with a long strand coming away from your body at your heart.

Pull the cord straight out in front of you and hold it.

Imagine that there is someone or something at the other end of the cord that you want to cut ties with or is sucking your energy.

While you’re holding the cord straight out take some scissors and cut the cord. Cut it from round you too. To remove it completely.

As you cut the cord say “I thank you for the things you’ve taught me and I cut the cord to remove anything that no longer serves me or my path”.

Once the cord has been removed you may want to destroy it. How you want to do that is up to you: I’d personally suggest burning it and burying the ashes. By burning and burying the cord and ashes you are clearing the energy and returning it to the earth for transmutation.

The next thing you need to do is fill the space that’s been left by removing the cord. If you do any form of healing like reiki or crystal work or angelic healing you can use that.

If you haven’t don’t worry.

Imagine you’re being bathed in white light, universal love and compassion.

Imaging this energy filling the gaps that were left from the cord.

Once the gaps have been filled you’ll need to seal the new energy in. Do this by imagining a seal being placed over the area to lock the energy in.

You could imagine pentacles, other stars, crosses, crucifixes, crystals or healing symbols. It’s up to you, use what ever you feel is right and works for you.

Once you’ve sealed the energy in its time to strengthen your shield.

I imagine being surrounded by a big ball of fire that nothing can get through. But you can use a bubble or white light, being in the middle of a massive quartz crystal, again use what you want and what works for you.

When you’ve strengthened you shield say thank you to anyone that’s been helping you spiritually blow out the candles and clean up anything you been using.

You’ve done it.

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