Learning new things.

Well not sure if you have or haven’t seen what I’ve been up to recently on Facebook, I’ve been learning new things this week. I’ve learnt how to finger knit. I made a scarf for my mum. She liked it.

The latest thing is crochet. I’ve learned how to do. All from the powers of you tube. I’ve made 2 granny squares and my mum has challenged me to make a blanket. So I’m making another granny square but it’s going to be massive.

That’s the first one I made and I’m really proud of myself for doing it.

The whole thing started from a video I saw on Facebook last week. It showed lots of different knitting type things. It had making friendship bracelets, Pom Pom rugs, finger knitting and stuff like that. So got a couple of balls of wool and took it from there.

Sunday I decided to try crochet. I got my mum to take me to a craft shop to buy some hooks. Got a couple more balls of wool some plastic needles and of course the crochet hooks. They came in a set and were all brightly coloured which is always fun.

I decided I needed something to do, something that would fill up time. Most of my down time I’m sat working on my blanket. I have no idea how big it’s going to be or how long it’s going to take but I’m doing it still the same.

Learning new things is important. Not just to me but should be important to everyone. If we didn’t learn anything new we’d all still be living in caves and grunting at each other.

The journey we call life is full of lessons. We have to learn them and accept them before we can move forward. Try learning a new skill or ability. There are so many different ways to do this. Talk to friends or family, go to a group, talk to strangers. There are so many people out there who are willing to give up some time to teach. You can even use YouTube. Again there’s a hell of a lot on there on millions of different subjects. I’m not just talking about academics here. There are things like making sugar flowers, crochet and how to set up a spreadsheet. There will even be things on there about spiritual things.

Just learn new things, it can be fun and help with different parts of your life.

If you want to learn to crochet a granny square here is the video I used:


All the best learning your new skills.

Love and light.

2 responses to “Learning new things.”

  1. Great to see you making these squares, l started some years back and have made about 6 blankets for family and friends.xxxx

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