To be or not to be, that is the question!

Right I’m not talking about Shakespeare, I just think that quote is rather fitting at the moment for lots of people and lots of things.

It’s a bit like what Yoda said, “do or do not, there is no try”. I think that’s fitting to. I think it’s time for people to move forwards and do what feels right or what is right and be open to correction or help from where ever it may come from.

Recently I have been doing a lot of work on my spiritual side. I’ve been learning new things and techniques, I’ve been learning things on new and different subjects. I feel I have come to the point where I need to start being, and accept myself for who I am.

There are so many people in this world that are hiding who they are and wearing masks. The masks can be physical as in wearing lots of makeup to hide their true face or they can be mental or emotional. People wear masks most of the time to try and fit in with other people and other groups of people.

I’ve done it myself. Saying things like “I’ve got to put my work head on now”. Why do people need to change what and who they are just to fit in? The society we live in has become accepting to lots of different things recently. They accept LGBT people, they accept people of different religions, people of different races and so on. Why in a world that’s accepting people do we feel we have to hide or change who and what we are?

I don’t think we should have to do that anymore. I’ve had enough of hiding and I want to be proud of who I am. If people don’t like me it’s there problem not mine. I feel I am accepting of lots of things that I feel are right. There are some parts from different religions and some parts of other things. If it’s right I work with it. I would never tell anyone that things must be done in a certain way, everyone has to find what is right for them. I feel it is completely wrong for anyone to try and change someone or something else just so they fit in.

Does fitting in really mean that much anymore? Years ago people who were different were abused, pushed aside, exciled, forgotten or publicly shunned. It’s like years ago being gay was a crime and you could be locked up or even chemically castrated. With that I’m talking about Alan Turing. He was a great person that built the machine that broke the Nazi German codes during world war 2. And later in his life was chemically castrated for being gay. In some places around the world being gay is still a capital offence which carries the death penalty. It’s just wrong! To force people to deny who they truly are just so they will fit in with a cruel and unjust system. Love is love no matter what or where it comes from.

Most of it is decided by people who hate. I’m sure we can all agree that doing anything that comes from hate is bad. Like Trump and his trade war and the separation of kids from their parents. People attacking other innocent people because of the colour of their skin, their religion, or how they identify them self. Do everything you do from a place of love and light.

People are people, they are human beings. We all share this world so we should all try and get along. It’s the only way we can progress and move forward. There are so many things that are separating groups of people from others, Brexit, Trump (the trade war and the wall he wants to build). No one is able to explain how and why separation is a good thing.

We must work together to improve. I feel it’s the same with the government. (Labour and Conservative) why must one be the opposition? Surely if they worked together for the good of the country things would improve. Rather than saying No all the time to the others suggestions just because they come from a different party. If it’s a good idea I think it should be discussed, improvements made and then put into practice. I think this would work better than the way they are doing things at the moment.

Why argue all the time? Why hate? Why distance yourself?

Why don’t we just work together to make good and lasting improvements? This has to be the way forward. The past has been and gone and there is nothing we can do to change it. We must accept it, learn from it and take the next step. It’s the only way to move forward.

Basically all I’m saying is accept who you truly are, stand tall and love unconditionally. Accept other people for who they are too.

To accept yourself is a truly freeing exercise. You have to do it for yourself first and once you accept who you are and start loving yourself you can start accepting everyone and everything else.

To start accepting myself I feel I have to write the following list (you could write your own list too) you have to put down everything you are, even if you don’t like it, it’s still part of You. I feel it’s the only way to stop hiding away and get rid of the masks we wear. Here is my list:

I am disabled.

I have MS it does not have me.

I am a spiritual person.

I work with the energy of the Universe.

I am a healer.

I work with crystals and other healing methods.

I am psychic.

I am a natural clairvoyant medium.

I am gay.

My life has changed.

I love myself and everything else.

I am a being of light.

I do the things I do honestly and openly.

I am grateful for everything in my life.

I am a compassionate person.

Some of the things on that list may shock you, some may not. But it is time for us all to be who we truly are and help others along this journey that we call life.

Find the light on any situation and you will be able to find your way home.

On that deep and meaningful note I think it’s time to wrap things up.

Love and Light!


One response to “To be or not to be, that is the question!”

  1. You are a gentle soul Chris, who has been given a lot to cope with this past year. We all miss you in class on a Wednesday and would just love for you to come visit one evening when you’re feeling good. Please don’t be a stranger. Love Carol

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