7th MSversary

On Saturday 21 September it was my 7th MSversary. 7 years since I was officially diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

That day we managed to track it back that I had a relapses in 2007. I may have had them before then but I didn’t know. Around Christmas 2007 I was having issues with my wrists. With loads a fannying around, about 9 months worth, they eventually decided that I had palindromic rheumatoid arthritis.

That’s after trying to send me for a carpal tunnel operation. On the day the operation was supposed to happen the surgeon decided it wasn’t carpal tunnel and sent me home. So I’m not really sure if it was that or if it was an ms relapse. There is a strong possibility that it was both. Not that I want extra things to add to the list of medical issues.

But being honest the last few weeks haven’t been great MS wise. Pain has been flaring up a bit. Which is never great. It’s hard to try and explain to people what being in pain all of the time is like. Unless people are going through it they just don’t get it. When you’re in pain all the time there are some days when it’s hard to put that outside dealing with people face on. some people just don’t understand that there are some days you just want to chill as best you can not deal with people. Days like that I generally want to craft, get lost listening to music or knit with a film or tv program on in the back ground. Some times I’ll go with an audio book.

I find audio books better because I don’t have to hold them. They are normally hands free so you can get on a do something else while listening.

The main other things I’ve been having issues with is dizziness and wobblyness. If I bend over or crouch to do anything like pick something up of the floor I need to stop for a minute or so and wait for my head to stop spinning. Even gentle movements can make can make my head spin. Tipping your head back to have a drink and send it spinning. Normally while having a conversation with someone without thinking I normally nod along with what the other person is saying (to show understanding or agreement). That sends my head spinning. Because I do it subconsciously and without thinking, I’m finding it a really hard habit to get out of. When I’m having a bad spinning day just moving my eyes can set things off.

Speaking of my eyes they are getting on my nerves too. I am getting double vision in each eye. Someone somewhere said it had something to do with astigmatism. I’m waiting to see a specialist neuro eye person at the hospital. I’ve no idea what if anything they’ll be able to do. I do sometimes wonder if the eyes are something to do with the dizziness, I suppose it’s possible. There are times when my eyes just don’t work very well. Sometimes the spasm and shake. It’s like the shake and dart all over the place. That’s weird when they do that. And other time I have issues with focusing. Things just go out of focus and I can’t really focus or look at things up close.

I did see a video on TikTok the other day about something called BVD (Binocular Vision Dysfunction) some of the things that were mentioned symptom wise did make some sense with some of the things my eyes are doing. So I think when I eventually get my eye appointment, only been waiting for over 12 months, I’m going to mention it then it can be discussed or even ruled out.

As a family we did get some not very nice news a week or so back. My great Uncle (dad’s uncle) passed away. He was in his 90s. When we found out I was in the process of making an anniversary card for him and his wife (great auntie) I didn’t get it finished but this is a picture of how far I go:

So that card has been put to one side. It feels wrong to finish it or use it for something else. So the next anniversary card I need to make may be done along the same lines but that card won’t be used.

So because dog what happened I made a condolence card for my auntie:

Inside that card:

The words inside the card are from a Visible image stamp and I really like the message it puts across.

Unfortunately we lost a neighbour in the last week as well. So I needed to make another condolence card for that family:

On the inside I used the same words as the last card.

In the last update I talked about an anniversary card I made. It was for my sister and brother in law. It hadn’t been given out before the last update. As it’s been and gone I can now shar a picture:

And on the inside:

I’ve only had to make 2 other cards in the last few weeks, one was for a friend and the other was for Harvey’s swimming teacher. Here is the one for a friend:

You could say that she’s a bit of a crazy cat lady. I think she has about 18 at the moment.

The one for Harvey’s swimming teach was because he has decided to stop with lessons. He has had the same teacher all the way through. This is the card I made for the teacher:

It’s a shaker:

Here is the inside of the card:

That’s it for cards.

Of course I have been tangling. Here are the tiles I’ve done:

I did start a larger piece from the steampunk bees set:

That’s as far as I got with it. I’m not really sure what else I could do with it. Probably some cogs and maybe a frame. I will do something with it, just not sure what.

I have been working on a knitting project. Katie’s asked me to make a cable knit jumper for Lucy. I’ve taken a couple of pictures in the process of making it:

And here is the finished piece/part:

I’ve finished that bit yesterday so I’m not working on the next bit. The left front. I’ve only done a couple of rows so there isn’t anything to show yet.

I made a flower the other day because I wanted something to make but had no idea:

Allegedly it’s a zinnia. I put the pearl in because the bit underneath didn’t look very good. I’m not sure if I like it or not. I think it looks a bit much.

I’ve done a bit of vinyl work aswell:

That’s on my cup. I took the other stuff off it because it was getting scratched up and looking pants so went with some glow in the dark vinyl instead. I think it looks cool in the dark. it shine really brightly.

The vinyl bit I made was a sign to go on the door a church to let people know a service has started and ask them to enter quietly.

It’s on a door hanger so the person should see it when they open the door. That’s the idea anyway.

I can’t think of anything else to talk about. I’m also thinking of maybe starting a sort of a craft blog/review of things to run along side this blog. So I’ll still have this to talk about anything I have going on but the craft side for the craft stuff. I’m not sure if I should or not. What do you think?

I’m going to leave things there.

Love and light

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