I’ve been away

What’s been going on over the last few weeks? Well, I’ve been on holiday, I finally got the birthday present for mum and dad (it took so long because I didn’t know what I wanted) I’ve made cards, I’ve worked on some tiles, I’ve done some rope work and I have done some work with some vinyl.

So let’s start off with the holiday. I went away with mum, dad and Mason, down to the boat in Plymouth.

I’ve been around this boat for years going away with mum and dad. I think I was two or three the first time I ever went on Fritha. The boat has been all around the country. The first place I ever remember the boat being was in Falmouth, on the south coast of Cornwall.

From Falmouth I remember the boat moving to Liverpool. From Liverpool I remember the boat going up to Larges, nearish Glasgow in Scotland. From Larges the boat went to somewhere called Grove Haven (no idea how to spell it) that was someone near Oban. While the boat was there we went to somewhere called Tobermory that place was used on the children’s TV programme Balamory.

From there the boat went over the other side of the country I want to say Hartlepool (could be wrong). The boat made it way down to Ipswich, I think. After that the boat made it way back along the south coast towards Plymouth. It stayed in each place for a couple of years before moving on but now it been in Plymouth since the late 90s. I was on the journey across the south coast. That was a fun trip.

That’s enough about the history of the boats journey round the country.

On this holiday we went from Plymouth round the Salcombe. From Salcombe to St Peter Port in Gurnsey. Then we did the same journey but backwards. (Not in reverse jut the other way round. We’ve been to St Peter port loads of times and I’ve always liked the place. I still like the place but this time it didn’t seem quite a good. Some of the shops have change round a bit and some of the ones we always went in have closed down. It wasn’t awful at all it was just different.

My birthday present from mum and dad came from one of the shops in Guernsey. I got some new wireless headphones. They are brilliant. Because they are really good ones I didn’t wear them on the boat Incase they got lost or ended up going for a swim. So I waited until we got home.

Here is a video showing the spirit level on my phone while it was on a flat surface.

I did that when we were in our way back from Guernsey to Salcombe. That video was only a couple of seconds long. It took us about 20 hours to make that journey. Normally it takes about 12. The boat doesn’t go very fast and things rely on the weather and tide.

Unfortunately, with the way the tides work around Guernsey it’s a case that once you’ve left you can’t turn round and go back. So once we left we were committed to the journey. But as you can get an idea from that video it wasn’t a smooth trip. It was a rather bumpy/uncomfortable trip back across the channel.

I’m just so glad that I don’t get sea sick very often or at all. Bug with the MS and the dizziness my head feels like it’s bumping around like that most of the time. Here are a couple of other pictures I took while away:

While we were away it was dad’s birthday and I made him a couple of cards. (I made them before we went away)

When we go back I had to catch up with the cards and make some more. There was one birthday card, seven or eight thank you cards and one anniversary card. I’m not showing a picture of the anniversary card because it hasn’t been given out yet. Here are pictures of the cards I’ve made:

I’m sure there may have been another thank you card but I must’ve forgotten to take a picture.

As expected I’ve been doing Sanntangle tiles as well. I did some of them while I was on holiday. Here are pictures of the tiles I’ve done:

While I was on holiday I made a Sanntangle postcard:

It didn’t get sent anything it just went in my folder.

Well I was on holiday I put some decorations on my walking stick using rope. I had to check a few videos on YouTube to figure out how to do it but this is what I did:

I do have all the colours of rope so I may do similar thing in other colours on my stick as well. I’ll have to wait and see though I say I’ll do it now I’ll probably never happen.

I got the heat press before we went on holiday I did prepare a few things for us to take with us. Mum wanted some draw string bags so underwear etc can be put in while packing and they can be used to put dirty washing in enjoying the holiday then it can be kept separate when packing to come home. Here are the bags I used the heat press to put things on:

Before we left I added something to a bag that I made for Lucy to take to nursery with her. I put her name on it:

I did use some final work on a couple of bookmarks too before we left:

I also decorated my water bottle:

For the water bottle or massive cup I use some glow-in-the-dark vinyl and some light reflective vinyl. On the picture the stuff that looks white is the glow in the dark vinyl and the rainbow stuff is the light reflective vinyl.

While we were on holiday I did take my Knitting and crocheting projects. Because I’m working on a jumper for Lucy at the moment with Knitting it’s a complicated cable pattern I didn’t get much Knitting done. I only managed a couple of rows. I did manage to do more crocheting though. So I’ve got a bit further with the shawl for Mum and the jumper for Lucy is taking a little longer.

I can’t really think of anything else to talk about, so I’m going to leave it there. I really need to think about something else to do with this blog and be a lot more consistent with the posts and do it more regularly.

So with that Love and Light.

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